Friday, January 8, 2016



Hi, guys. So here's the thing. I had a really good blog post going on, and I was almost done, when for some reason my computer didn't save ALL the work I'd been doing. So then, all I had now was the work I'd done a long time ago, which was barely anything, because it didn't save it. Arghhhh. I'm really frustrated and annoyed now, but I now know, I should always double check my post to make sure I saved it. And it will take forever to rewrite everything. Oh whale.. 
P.S.I'm really sorry Elise I couldn't finish the post. I know you were looking forward to it. 
*So instead of that, which I'll tell you know was going to be a "pre-critique" thing where I kinda discussed my thoughts on some books I got from my mom's American sister, Elise, before I read them, I have another idea, that may or may not include books.. I don't know yet. Hopefully, this time, I can get it all done in one time, so I don't have to worry about saving*
I'm starting fresh again.
Wish me luck,
Olivia :)

Monday, October 26, 2015

It's Been A While...


So I know it's been a while since I posted.. I've just been caught up in school and homework, and I'm always busy on weekends. Today, I didn't have much homework, so I decided to post something here on O, Really? 

Like I said before, I've been all caught up in school. So in today's post, I am going to tell you about my teachers (I'm in middle school, so I have 7 periods, 5 teachers, one of which teaches me for two periods, and 1 coach). 


First period, I have science with Mrs. Farquhar. Mrs. Farquhar is very nice and funny. She's always cracking jokes in class. She also makes learning interesting. And not just because we get to do labs (yes, science labs). Mrs. Farquhar always gives up tips to help us learn things easier. *FUN FACT* One of my brother's hockey friends, who also works at my parents' store, his aunt is Mrs. Farquhar. MY science teacher. His name is Jacob Farquhar. As my dad said, "There's not many Farquhars in the world!" 

Second period, I have choir. I have choir with two teachers: Mrs. Chavez and Ms. Bohannon. They are both SUPER fun. We always have a fun time singing, laughing, and playing games in the choir room. My last concert, the fall concert, we sang 4 songs: "Shake the Papaya Down", "Hashivenu", "Duermete Mi Nino", and "Tue Tue". It was also a demonstration concert, so we demonstrated fun warm ups and games we played in class. *FUN FACT* We learned the 5 latin vowels, and we sing them for warm ups sometimes: ee, eh, ah, oh, and oo.

3rd period is... you probably already guessed it. PE! There are like 5 PE coaches. Mine is Coach Frazier. Now, I will say this. He's really loud. Well, all of the coaches are. But Coach Frazier is funny, too. I think all of the coaches are just naturally funny. Once, in PE, everyone, including the coaches, did the whip and the nae nae. And I've seen the coaches, too, hit the quan. Yep. They look ridiculous. I may get super tired on fitness days, but during PE, it's a time I can let loose, and just run around. I plan to try out for the 7th grade volleyball team next year. *FUN FACT* We have a PE schedule: Monday- Unit Day, Tuesday- Fitness Day, Wednesday- Unit Day, Thursday- Fitness Day, Friday- Fun Friday.

Before 4th period, everyone has something called Bobcat Academy, which they have with their homeroom teachers. It's a time to do homework, work on stuff from any of your classes, make something up (like a test you couldn't do), or even read. My homeroom and math teacher is Mrs. Mason. In the beginning of the year, during Bobcat, all we did was watch a bunch of powerpoints about behavior and citizenship and all that stuff. Now, we mostly chill out and relax during Bobcat. Math- Mrs. Mason is very kind, and easygoing. She almost never yells at us. I don't really like math, and I always thought it was hard, but with her, it's easy peasy lemon squeezy. Math is one of my favorite classes now. *FUN FACT* Our class was taking a math test once, and Mrs. Mason accidentally gave about 3 people at our table a normal math (we are in honors math) test. No wonder they zoomed through it so fast!

For 5th period, I have Social Studies. Now I will warn you. Social Studies has never been my favorite subject. It is one of my least favorites. History has just not ever been my thing. My teacher though, made me think different. Her name is Mrs. Evans. Yeah, she is kind of strict and yells at any misbehaving students, but as long as you're on her good side.. you're good. I am. Through all of that strictness, she is really funny, and VERY sarcastic. I laugh a lot in Social Studies now. *FUN FACT* There is this kind of "half autistic" kid in our class named Ben, and one time, he kept on picking his boogers in class. Mrs. Evans kept on telling him, "Gross! Stop!", but he wouldn't. Finally, she got upset and told him to leave and go wash his hands. He ran out of the room screaming crazily and everybody started cracking up.

Hehe. Now my 6th/7th period. My favorite class that I stay in for 2 periods (yassss!). ELA. Reading, language arts, english, whatever you want to call it. I not only like this class because of all the fun reading and writing we get to do, but I have a totally awesome teacher, Ms. Lytle (not little, LY-TLE). Ms. Lytle is like the brightest teacher ever. You can hear her all the way down the hallway. She's always glowing and smiling. Class is always extremely fun because we get to do fun things other classes don't get to do. My favorite part of LA is Reading Workshop, a time we get to sit down and read for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, we record everything on our Reading Trackers. Fun, fun, fun! *FUN FACT* This year, we have to memorize certain things, like our helping verbs and subject and object pronouns. They all have a fun song to it. Like to our helping verbs, we have an army-like tune to it. My friend told me we learn something to the tune of Yankee Doodle! Yankee Doodle came to town, riding on a pony......

You've learned about my totally, terrific, awesome teachers. Notice I didn't include lunch. I don't have a teacher for that. Or recess. Bobcat is kind of our recess.

 I'm going to have a weekly (if I can post that much) question. This week's is...
"Who's your favorite teacher you have now, or had?"

Finally, instead of you coming up with sign offs, I'll have a new one every time I post. I won't be lazy. ;)

Later my humble alligators,

Monday, September 7, 2015

Jessica's Word Cloud- An Example of an Adjective Word Cloud and... a BIG surprise

Jessica's Adjective Word Cloud

Here is my sister's word cloud. It is an example of an adjective word cloud. If you want one, look at my last post. 
And.... about "Story Surge". I've decided writing stories stresses me out too much. I feel more comfortable doing stuff like this. So, I am not going to FINISH "Story Surge" and probably not write any more STORIES. Look forward to little activities like this on the weekends, though. As a present to you guys never getting angry about my cancellations, you can read what I've written so far.

Rough Draft                

Chapter 1- Britt King hates books
Dedicated to my hardworking mother who I love very much! And to Michael Buckley who gave me this wonderful idea for this story!
  I hate books. And that’s a statement coming from me, Britt King. It’s true! Books are my #1 most hated thing on my “Most Hated Things List”. It’s before my brother, Jonathon King, though. I live in Livermore, Colorado. I’d better describe me to you. Brunette brown hair to the shoulders, flashy green eyes, bushy, uneven eyebrows, and a mischievous grin. I have two best friends, Andrea Falon McCork Layton and Hazel Bush. I know, Andrea, Andy for short, has a long name. It’s a family tradition. Hazel’s nickname is Hay-Hay! It’s fun to say, I made it up. Andrea has bright red hair with golden highlights, thin perfect eyebrows, and a fun, large smile. Hazel has dark brown hair, hazel eyes (LOL), dark brown lined up eyebrows, and a hiding smile (she’s really shy). Now about the book thing… I, well don’t get good grades. My highest grade I’ve ever gotten on a report card is a B+. My lowest grade is an E-… until now. I know, right!! Especially in L.A. Don’t even get me started. I’ve failed a million tests in L.A. My worst subject in L.A… reading. Uggghh! I have the comprehension of a 1st grader… in 6th grade!! At least I’m decent at Math and Science.
        Coming home on the last day of school, my stomach was full of butterflies. My last report card! Upstairs in my room, this is what I saw…
Social Studies
        The last row is my grades for this semester. Here’s the worst part:
We teachers suggest that Britt King attends summer school from June 9th-July 9th at Grayson Middle School strongly in Reading and L.A. Please consider.
For contact: 972-590-3880 or
The 6th grade teachers
            Two words… oh and boy!
Chapter 2-Britt King travels into Kansas
            I was frozen. I couldn’t move. Summer school? The place where those freaky weirdo outcast people go? Nooooooooooooo!!! I couldn’t go. I was already tormented by Brenda Smith… the most popular girl in the whole school. Hmmmm… let’s see. She has waist long golden blonde hair that shines and sparkles in the sun, crystal blue eyes, lips coated with pink lipstick, and extremely cute designer clothes made by her famous fashion designer mother. Her father is a famous lawyer and she lives in the hugest, most gorgeous mansion. A girl’s dream! Yet she’s so nasty and cruel. Her name makes me get goosebumps. She picks on the people who have/is/look: short hair (really?), untanned skin (come on!), don’t wear makeup (you’re in 6th grade, helloo?!?)ugly (doesn’t look somewhat like her) and much, much more. I could make a list longer than Rapunzel’s hair. But I’m not. Her two friends, Christina Sparks, and Kara Silverleen are exactly like her. The 3 S’s. ‘Bully, Pick On, Torment! That’s us! The extremely rude 3 S’s! Yaaaaayy!’ That’s my motto for them.
            “Honey!!!Your father and I are going on a date at the movies and a fancy restaurant! Be home around 10. Dinner on the table! Buh bye!!!!!” my mom yelled from downstairs, disturbing my thoughts. Then I could hear someone on the stairs. My mom entered my room. “And… and I got these from a book drive” she said panting as she handed me a pile of books. I looked at the titles. “Peter Pan ,Narnia, The book of Fairy Tales!?!” I said groaning. “These are classic boring books!” “ Nuh uh! Read them. At least over the summer!” she said stubbornly. With that, she left slamming the door. So much for showing her my report card and summer school ticket. I stared down at the books and made a face. I HATE BOOKS!!!!
            Late that stormy, dark night, I shivered in bed. I tossed and turned over and over again. I couldn’t fall asleep. Finally, I sat up and grabbed a book from the pile of books my mom gave me. This one was the Wizard of Oz. I could try to read it. I flipped on my lamp light and sat up, and, turning the first page, I noticed something odd. Inside the page, a light flickered. Ignoring it, I started to read. Dorothy lived… I saw the light again. Suddenly, it became brighter. I turned back to the front page. Big mistake. A strong, violent breeze of wind blew my hair to the side. The bright light went from yellow to pink, blue, and purple. “Stop! Stop! Stop stop!!” I shrieked. I started to hyperventilate. Soon, I was being blown out of my bed. I did the only thing I could: tucked my knees to my chest and squeezed my eyes shut.
  Shaking, I opened my eyes and untucked my knees. I gasped. Where in the world was I? All around me was a great gray prairie. Everything around me was gray. The sky was gray and even the sun had a tinge of gray to it. No houses for miles was around. “Ruff! Ruff!” something barked. I jumped, then slowly turned around. Behind me, a little silky black dog with long strips of hair played joyfully around me. “Oh Toto, what have you found?” asked a girl with a strikingly English accent. The girl came into view. A girl, about my age, with reddish, brown hair in two braids looked at me with curious brown eyes. She was wearing a checkered blue and white dress with a fancy white undershirt. “Who... who are you?” I asked, staggering backwards. “I was just about to ask you the same!” she said laughing merrily. “I’m Dorothy. You?” “I’m….ummm…” I thought twice about telling her my name. “Britt. I’m Britt.” “I’m honored to meet ya! Where do ya live?” she asked. “Somewhere not around here.” I decided to say. “I think I’m lost.” “Oh?” Dorothy exclaimed. “Well, just to let ya know… this is Kansas” she sighed happily.
            Kansas!?!?!?!?!? I screamed in my head. Even though Colorado is right next to Kansas, it would still take a long time to get back to Livermore. “I have to go” I said panicking. I pinched myself. Ok, no dream. “Awwww, but can’t you come stay at my house for just a little bit?” Dorothy pleaded. I sighed. There was no way I would get back to Colorado in a day. I mean… I did just have an extremely awing experience. “Umm…ok, I guess” I said to Dorothy. “Yes!!Come on I have to introduce you to Uncle Henry and Aunt Em! Come on Toto.” Dorothy said as she started to follow the already trotting Toto. Aunt Em and Uncle Henry? Those names sounded familiar…. “Come on! Come on!” Dorothy shouted. She was already ahead by a lot. I sighed deeply. Well here I go…
            Chapter 3- Britt King sees a cyclone
  “Are we there yet?” I groaned. “Nope” sang Dorothy. I felt like I was walking a 50 mile marathon. Every limb in my body wanted to collapse. No matter where we walked, everything stayed gray. No house or anything. We walked through straight paths, curvy ones, and zigzag paths. We even had to walk through the long, gray, scratchy blades of grass. Finally, I spotted a small house in the distance. More like a shack. The shack was dull and gray like everything else. Wanting to reach shelter, I ran like a cheetah towards the house. Toto, thinking it was a game, barked happily and tried to catch up. “Wait up!” shouted Dorothy. I didn’t. I sprinted until I came to the shack-house. That’s when I halted. Dorothy, out of breath, reached Toto and I. “You’re fast” she giggled. “Can I go in?” I questioned. “Wait, let me ask my aunt and uncle!” Dorothy said as she walked into the shack-house.
            I heard mumbling, lots, then Dorothy came out smiling. I knew that was my invitation in. When I came in I saw a house with 4 walls, a roof, and a floor which made one room, otherwise the whole house. Inside the room was a cookstove, a cupboard for dishes, a table, chairs and beds.  There was a big bed in one corner, a little one in the other. The place was so small and dull, it made me feel claustrophobic. Aunt Em had sober gray eyes, and gray cheeks and lips. Her skin even seemed to have a touch of gray to it. She was wearing an old fashioned long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up revealing shaggy, wrinkly skin. She was also wearing a gray skirt with old fashioned gray tights and a pair of ugly slippers. Uncle Henry looked like the guy who never spoke or laughed. He was also super gray from his tangled gray beard to his big, gray boots. When I first walked in, Aunt Em gave me a glare. I gulped. Uncle Henry did the same after reporting there was a cyclone coming. I knew cyclone=tornado and tornado=bad. My heart almost skipped a beat. “Everyone down to the trapdoor!” yelled Aunt Em who was climbing into a hole in the middle of the floor. Uncle Henry followed. But just as I followed, I heard Dorothy scream. I turned around and saw her almost flying out of the house. It had been uprooted into the swirling cyclone!
            “Dorothyyyy!” I yelled. I climbed out of the trapdoor and shut it before I ran over to Dorothy. I tugged and tugged with all of my strength. The howling wind didn’t help. I lost it and we went flying. I was being tugged, pulled, and stretched by the ferocious winds. All around me, other things like cars, windows, and even the cookstove from the house went flying. I saw Dorothy. With all my might, I flipped over to her. We held hands, hoping for the best, when I saw a door. I thought I was imagining at first, but then I realized it was real. It was floating in the air! I heaved Dorothy over to it. The door was a large, bronze door with beautiful designs on it. There was no time to examine it, or decide whether to go in or not. I pushed my body against it, then a bright light blinded Dorothy and I as we entered, flying and tumbling about.
Chapter 4: Britt King finds herself in London
            Apparently during the trip through the bronze door, I fell asleep. I don’t know how, with all the tumbling and flips, but I did. I fell asleep and woke up with a nauseas headache. BEEP!!HONK! I looked up to see a very red, old - fashioned car approaching fast. I was in the middle of a street. Screaming, I ran, no sprinted to the right where there was a patch of grass. Then I saw Dorothy, unconscious and sprawled, in the middle of the road. I gasped. I ran towards her and grabbed her just in time. I felt a whoosh of wind and scratchy soot blow onto my face just as I ran back to the side of the road. It had been super close and my heart was beating faster than a metronome set on fast. I choked on some soot that had gotten into my throat. “Dorothy? Dorothy! Please wake up. I don’t want to have to do CPR!” I said. No reply. I repeated it. Still no reply. Just when I thought it had to be worst case scenario, Dorothy woke up. “Oh Dorothy! You’re alive! Thank goodness. I thought I had to do CPR!” I exclaimed. “CPR? What’s that?” she asked groggily as she sat up. “Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation! You know, like the thing kids think is gross? Mouth to mouth!! Hello??” I said confused that she was in 6th grade and didn’t know what CPR was. Everyone in the 6th grade knew what it was.
            “No?” Dorothy said clearly confused. “Ummm… ok” I didn’t want to explain more about CPR. “Where the heck are we? Wait a second. I would know these busy streets. We are in London!!” I said, freaking out. Kansas… okay. London, England…. NOT!! “Lun… what?” Dorothy asked. “LON-DON!” I said making the syllables loud and clear. “Lun…. Doon?” “No!” I said, giving up. I turned around. Where was the bronze door? I whipped back around. I gasped. There was a bright red scar streaked across Dorothy’s face. “We need to get you a doctor!” I said tugging on her arm. “Why?” I didn’t answer. Hours went by with no sign of help. We passed buildings but none looked like a hospital. We passed people, and I asked them if they knew where one was. I heard “Nope, nope, nope, no, and huh?” I got a few curious stares on my way. We passed houses, but none of them looked “friendly” enough. Finally, on a street named Bloomsbury on house 14 in the corner of the street, a girl came running out to get the mail that the deliveryman was delivering. “Hey, you!!” I yelled. This girl, my age, had light brown hair pulled up in a fancy ponytail and bright blue eyes. She was still in her blue nightgown. Her eyes widened in fear and she froze, the mail dropping out of her hands.           
            “You!!” I said gasping and wheezing from walking so long. Her face turned pale. I finally got to her. She kind of reminded me of Hazel, making me even more anxious to get home. “Do you… know…. a….. doctor?” I sputtered. “No” she squeaked. When I showed her Dorothy (who had fallen asleep on the trip) she covered her mouth to not scream. “That’s Dorothy and I’m Britt. You?” “Uhhh… I’m Wendy!” she said shakily in a British accent. “Wonderful!” I said sarcastically. I was so tired, I was starting to become irritable. The door opened wider. “Hide!” she whisper shouted. We dove behind a bush. “You okay?” asked a muffled voice. “Fine, mum” said Wendy.  “All right. Come in. You don’t want to get a cold!” the voice said. “It’s safe” said Wendy. “Come, inside.” Her house was a big, cozy Victorian type of house. Well, an old fashioned one. There were pictures everywhere of Wendy, a woman with perfect eyebrows and a high fancy bun, a fat man with curly black hair and a thick mustache, a boy… a little younger than me with dorky round glasses and nicely parted hair, and an adorable baby boy (3 years old?) with the cutest chubby cheeks and light brown hair. “Up here!” whisper shouted Wendy from upstairs. I didn’t notice her, I was so absorbed with the pictures. I raced up the stairs.
            I barely had time to look at Wendy’s room as Wendy pushed us into a closet. It was pitch black dark. “I’ll be right back!” her muffled voice said. I sat there, bored, in the closet when I heard what seemed like two boys fighting. “Yah! HI YAH!! Got ya! Nope!!” I heard crashes and clangs and booms. That’s when Dorothy woke up. “Where are—“I clapped my hand over her mouth. It was too late. “What was that?” one of the boys asked. The commotion stopped. Suddenly, the closet door swung open.
Chapter 4: Britt King, meet Peter Pan’s shadow
            “Anybody there? Helloooo?!” called the boy with dorky glasses… I think. “Maybe it’s a monster!” said the chubby toddler… it sounded like that, hiding behind his brother’s back…I heard a swift motion. A baffled Dorothy and I were hidden in the far corner of the closet. I had moved just in time. “I’m scared, John. Let’s go, Sissy hates it when we’re in her part of the room” the chubby toddler said. For a minute, the older boy stayed behind. At that moment, Dorothy had to let out a HUGE achoo!! “Dorothy!” “Sorry!” she whispered clumsily. The older boy’s eyes widened, I saw between the cracks between the two doors.  I gulped, and I felt myself pushing my body further into the corner. The boy ran away. This was our chance! I grabbed Dorothy by the hand and we tumbled out of the dark closet. Wendy’s part of the  room was a nice, refined area. There was a bed, a velvet one in one corner. In the other, was a big window, like those ones you can open easily. The ones with two flaps that you open for air. There was a seat underneath it, velvet too. Other than that, there wasn’t much. Unlike, my room that had tons of electronics and stuff in it, always messy, her half bedroom was small, neat, and perfect. I mean, she had the basic stuff. Bookshelves, a mirror, pictures on the walls, a carpet littered with little dolls. Wow… now that I notice it, she has tons of books. She’s probably a brainiac.  The other half of the room was occupied with her brothers’ side of the room. With such a big house, how can 3 kids share a room?
            “Hey!” Wendy said. I jumped. “Sorry if I scared you. You like my room?” she asked shyly. “Yeah, ‘course!” I said. “I just had dinner. My brothers, John and Michael, are having dinner now” she said. “You hungry?” Now that I think about it… I’m STARVING! “YES!” I blurted out. “All right. I’ll sneak you some leftovers. My mum made meatloaf and broccoli!” Wendy said, racing down the flight of stairs afterward. “Wow!!! This room, well the one side of the room that is Wendy’s, is the most gorgeous, exquisite room ever! I love it! I haven’t seen so many beautiful colors before!” Dorothy said, awed. She bent down onto the carpet and examined the dolls. “Look at these! They’re wonderful!” Dorothy exclaimed. “This is my favorite one!” She picked up a girl doll that had a brown side braid. The doll was wearing an apron and holding cookies. She also wore a chef hat. “I love cooking, though Aunt Em doesn’t let me do it very often” she said. “Now, never go near the cookstove. You don’t want to burn yourself!” she said mimicking Aunt Em’s boring, dull tone. I laughed. Wendy came back with a platter of food. I gobbled it down, so fast, that Dorothy had only a couple of burnt broccoli when I was finished. “I’ll get more!” Wendy giggled. When dinner was done, Wendy told her brothers to NOT come in to their room or else she’ll chase them around the house and tickle them until they fall over and cry. They were too busy karate chopping each other, anyway. Just in case, she locked the door. “All right. You can come out of the closet now.” We hid in the closet in case her brothers would burst through the door randomly. We came out and explained her the whole story. She said she didn’t believe it. “It’s true! There was a cyclone! That’s why Dorothy has this!” I said to Wendy, showing her Dorothy’s scar. “That’s why we came here in the first place. Do you know a doctor?” “No, but I think I know what can help you.” Wendy rushed out of the room.
She came back with a bottle of alcohol, some band aids, and two pieces of cloth. Wendy poured the alcohol onto a cloth and pressed it against Dorothy’s forehead. “Ouch!” she shrieked. “Shhh!” whispered Wendy. Dorothy was quiet and I squeezed her hand. When it was over, there was a piece of cloth tied around Dorothy’s forehead. The scar was cleaned and only a little bit of blood leaked onto the cloth. “Guess we don’t need these!” Wendy said as she went back down stairs. That night, Wendy’s parents left, Dorothy and I slept on a filthy unaired mattress covered with blankets. I was just falling asleep when I heard a CRASH! BOOM! BANG! At first, I thougt Wendy’s brothers had somehow did it, but nope, they were fast asleep (Wendy had found them, asleep, in the living room, and took them back to their bedroom). Everywhere, the room was a mess. Books had fallen off the bookshelves, the mirror was cracked, and the window was open, pushing in cold air. I gasped loudly. “Dorothy!!!!!Wake up!” I whisper screamed. Dorothy moaned then sat up. Her cloth bandage had slipped to the side. Same outcome. A loud gasp. Wendy woke up after that. She was so surprised, she rolled off the bed.
“Who’s there?” No reply. Wendy repeated. I was too scared to talk. Suddenly, a black figure came out of nowhere and threw Wendy’s dolls at her and uprooted her carpet that slammed against the wall with a thud. “Ahhhh!!!!” she screamed, sprinting over to us. “What do we do?”squeaked Dorothy. The figure had caused tons of chaos and was now hanging off the fan. “Watch out!” I yelled as the figure accidentally fell off the fan. The two girls ran, but I wasn’t fast enough as the figure came flying at me.
Chapter 5: Britt King flies!
            “Ohhhh” I said groaning. I looked up. Apparently, I was lying down. Well, I wonder if mom’s home yet. I can’t wait to tell her about this amazing dream!  I opened my eyes and screamed. I was staring at a boy, who looked maybe a little older than me, yet he seemed so childish. He was wearing a green outfit that looked like a costume, had light brown hair with, golden brown highlights, and his ears….. wait, were his ears pointed? He had elf ears!! He was hovering in the air. Somebody’s hand shushed me. “Quiet!” It was Wendy. She was glancing at her brothers, who were STILL asleep. Oh, wonderful, it wasn’t a dream. “What is going on?” The scene of the charging black figure replayed in my head. Wendy said it fast, “Well, so that shadow-that was Peter’s-was…” “SHADOW! That’s impossible!” I whisper shouted. “Nothing’s impossible!” whooped the boy, who flipped into a circle. Childish. Am I right? “Like I was saying….. Peter’s shadow was about to seriously hurt you… which would have been horrible….. but, Peter swooped in and saved you and after that I helped sew his shadow back on, then after that, you woke up!” Wendy gasped for breath. “Swooped in? Saved me?!?” I exclaimed. “Yeah” said somebody else. It was Dorothy. She had been quiet the whole time, I hadn’t noticed her.
“Oh, hey Dorothy” I said absentmindedly. “Dorothy? I like that name!” the boy, or I guess Peter, said. She blushed. “You like my name, too. Right, Peter?” Wendy said, making Peter sound all mushy gushy. I raised my eyebrows. Well, well, well. Somebody has a crush. Or let’s say 2 people have a crush. Suddenly, a bright light flew over to my face. I crossed my eyes looking at it. It was… a fairy? It was a tiny fairy with wings and a light green dress. I looked like it could fit one of Wendy’s dolls. It flew up to Dorothy’s face. In surprise, Dorothy fell over and there was a small jingling noise coming from the fairy. “Tink! That was not funny!” Peter said offering Dorothy his hand. Wait a second…. Tink! Dorothy accepted it, blushing again. The light flew over to Wendy, who I think purposely fell over. Peter didn’t help her up, though. “Hellooo??Help me?” Wendy said, still on her side. “Oh, right!” Peter said as if he just remembered. Wendy didn’t take his hand. She got up herself. “On that happy note, let’s go!” Peter soared into the air. Dorothy giggled, Wendy glared. “We don’t know how to” I said, interrupting the giggle n’ glare event. “Think happy thoughts!” Peter sang. “Tink” was already following him out of the window. Wendy and Dorothy were already gone, too.
Well, I want to go home, snuggle in bed with my iPad, while drinking hot cocoa. I felt myself lifting up. I almost screamed. I, Britt King, was flying!! I flew out of the door. It’s amazing how pretty London is from the sky. Skyscrapers are dots in the sky. It’s so peaceful and calm. Like bathing in a hot tub… in the sky. Then suddenly, there was an earsplitting scream. Dorothy and Wendy had stopped flying and were falling into the dark night sky. “OH MY GOSH!!” I screamed. They were going to die. “How do I stop flying?” I ask Peter. “Empty your mind!!” Peter yelled. I did. As I started to fall, I heard Peter say, “I bet they didn’t stop flying on purpose! Wait a second… Tinkkkkk!!!!” I heard Peter rage at Tink, who was laughing, or jingling. Below me, I saw a glint of bronze. The bronze door!! “Go there!” I yelled to Wendy and Dorothy. We haven’t fell yet, we must’ve been up really high I thought.  I scooched by body so it would enter through the door properly. The door was still open, from when Wendy and Dorothy went through. It was lying flat, so I only had to fall. A bright light greeted me.
            Chapter 6: Britt King travels through a wardrobe
THUMP! “Owww!” I said standing up. Once again, the bronze door had disappeared. Dorothy, Wendy, and I had fallen into a room with nothing in it, except for a wardrobe or what looked like a wardrobe. A mothy, filthy sheet was hanging over it. “Where are we? What happened?” Wendy asked. When she stood up, her eyes grew as large as saucers. “Where are we?!?!?” she screamed hoarsely. “I don’t know!” I croaked back. From all the screaming, while we were in the air, our voices were starting to go away. “I know where we are, we are in a different city in England, still in England though” Dorothy said, frowning. I knew very well she wanted to get home. So did I. There were footsteps. “Quick, hide!” I whisper shouted. We all ran for the wardrobe, the only place to hide. Wendy pulled off the sheet, climbing in first, then me, and then Dorothy. The wardrobe was full of fur coats, two rows of them and it was dark. The footsteps stopped. The person was in the room. “Who is it? I heard you in here! Who is it?” It sounded like another British girl. I glanced at Wendy, but she shook her head. We heard the footsteps get closer and closer and then the door swung open. We were already hidden near the back. “Really, come out!” Now we knew who it was, it was a little girl, maybe six or seven who had brownie brown hair cut to her chin.  Her eyes were a dark blue, almost black, and she had a bow in her hair. She was wearing a brown dress with a small matching coat.
            Suddenly, out of the blue, someone screamed. It was Dorothy! I raced to the back of the wardrobe and surprisingly was met with a breeze of wind and a face full of snow. Two flap doors, blown back by the harsh wind, were flying in the wind.  Then Wendy bumped into me, making me fall over into a large pile of cold, white snow. I spit out a chunk of snow. “Hey!” “Sorry!” Wendy said. “Where are we now?” “I don’t know!” I said frantically. “The wardrobe!” somebody yelled. I turned around. The wardrobe was still there, buried deep inside the snow. I considered going back inside until… “A lamppost!!” Dorothy yelled. We three sprinted for it. That was when the oddest creature ran, no trotted, towards us. It was about as tall as all of us and it was a very strange creature. From the top he was a man with curly black hair, pointed ears, horns, and warm brown eyes plus no shirt (eww). The other half…… was goat. With furry brown legs and hooves. And he had a tail. He was holding an umbrella. He dropped the parcels in his hands. It was a faun. We all gasped, and Dorothy and Wendy hid behind the lamppost. “Who are you?” I asked shivering. He was too busy picking up the parcels. He then made a bow. “You are the Daughters of Eve?” he asked, glancing at Dorothy and Wendy who were cowering behind the lamppost. “No” I said blankly. “I’m Britt, that’s Wendy, and Dorothy!” I pointed to them. They came out. “Hi” Dorothy piped up. “Hello” Wendy said shyly.  “You three are girls, human, right?” “Yah!” I said, confused. Of course we are!
            “Well, I’d be rude to not introduce myself… my name is Tumnus!” Tumnus said. “What an odd name!” Wendy blurted. Tumnus turned a shade of dark red. “I mean…. I love that name” Wendy said. They both blushed. “Now, may I ask, how have you come to Narnia?” Tumnus asked. “Narnia, this is Narnia?” I asked. “Yes” Tumnus replied. “Through that wardrobe” I said pointing to the wardrobe. “Well, I never did study about those strange countries from out of here” he said thinking deeply. “It’s summer there, why not here?” I asked. “Well, it has been winter here for as long as I can remember. If we stay in this harsh weather, we shall freeze. Would you like to come with me for cups of tea?” Tumnus questioned. I looked at Dorothy and Wendy and I said, “We can’t stay long though, but I guess we can go” I said to Tumnus. “It’s just ‘round the corner! Let’s go!” And together, we headed off with the excited faun, into the land of Narnia.
            Chapter 7: Britt King visits a cave
            Trudging through the deep snow, we arrived where the ground became steep and rockier. “Welcome!” Tumnus said, dragging us into a particularly big cave. Inside, a small fire blazed through the cave. Tumnus lit a lamp. The floor was a reddish, dry color, and there was a carpet and two tiny chairs arranged neatly next to it.  Also, there was a table, dresser, and mantelpiece hanging over the fire and above that, a picture of another old faun with a gray beard. In one corner, there was a door, probably leading to Tumnus’s bedroom and a shelf full of books. I looked at them. The Life and Letters of Silenus or Nymphs and Their Ways or Men, Monks and Gamekeepers; a Study in Popular Legend and Is Man a Myth? What??? I thought. Sitting down, Wendy had a cup of tea. Dorothy and I didn’t want any, but we feasted on a couple of snacks. Soon, Tumnus started to tell a stories. About the midnight dances and how the Nymphs who lived in the wells and the
Dryads who lived in the trees came out to dance with the Fauns; about long hunting parties after the
milk-white stag who could give you wishes if you caught him; about feasting and treasure-seeking
with the wild Red Dwarfs in deep mines and caverns far beneath the forest floor; and then about
Summer when the woods were green and old Silenus on his fat donkey would come to visit them, and
sometimes Bacchus himself, and then the streams would run with wine instead of water and the
whole forest would give itself up to jollification for weeks on end.
            “But now it’s always winter now’ he said gloomily. Then he picked a flute and started to play it. A couple of hours later, I remembered we had to go. “Well, we have to go now” I said out of the blue. “Wait, no, no, no!!” Tumnus suddenly burst out in tears. “Oh my” Wendy said. “What is it?” I asked. He didn’t answer, but picked up a handkerchief and blew. “I am a kidnapper! How could I?? Father would have never done this!!” Tumnus wailed. “Stop, please” Dorothy said. Through sobs he said, “I have been working for the White Witch all along!” “The White Witch?” we all chorused together. “Oh yes, it is she, how could I lull a handful of poor children into the White Witch’s reach?” Tumnus yelped. “Really, we have to go and I have no idea what you are talking about” I said, making the cuckoo sign to Dorothy. She didn’t laugh. It was silent for a minute. Then Tumnus said, “The White Witch gave me an order to take to her a Daughter of Eve or A Son of Adam, if I found one. The joy on her face when she sees there are three!” Tumnus blew his nose. “What do you mean?” Wendy asked softly. I hadn’t known she was there and I jumped. “You are the children and I was supposed to wait until you were asleep then go and tell her” Tumnus said. Now he sounded very serious. I gulped. I was guessing the White Witch wasn’t a very nice lady.
            “Sorry, dude but we can’t let you do that, we have to leave” I said, standing up. “What ‘tis a dude?” Tumnus asked. I was about to say a wart on a horse’s butt (ha, ha) but I was interrupted. “That does not matter, you must escape before….” Tumnus’s voice trailed off. “What?” Dorothy pushed on. “If she finds out I let you peoples escape, she’ll cut off my tail, have my horns sawn off, cut off my beard, and turn my beautiful clover hooves turned into those wretched hooves horses have and kill me in any possible way and also she may even turn me into stone and I shall remain like that forever!” he blurted, exploding into tears. I shivered at the thought of that actually happening. “You must let us go, though” Dorothy said. “Of course, of course!” Tumnus sniffled. We then departed from the cozy cave. “You know you’re back?” he asked. “Yeah” Wendy and I said at the same time. “You will forgive me from what I meant to do to you!” Tumnus pleaded. “Yes, of course, you are a very nice gentleman” Dorothy said, smiling. Tumnus blushed. “You must be on your way, goodbye then” Tumnus said. “And I hope you don’t get into trouble with that White Witch person” I said, shuddering. Tumnus smiled.
            And then there we went, towards the glowing light of the open wardrobe.
Chapter 8: Britt King Riding Hood
            As we were walking back to the wardrobe, I saw a head poke through. Was that girl still looking for us, after like 3 hours straight? But that didn’t matter. “Guys, the girl, what if she sees us?” I asked frantically. “Let’s lock her in!” Wendy said. “But…” I started. We had already arrived back. There was no choice. Closing the flap doors that led to Narnia and locking them, we streaked passed the confused girl, I could feel the fur coats brush my cheek.  Arriving, we fought to get out the small entrance. Finally, we three girls tumbled out, then tugging the lock, until it locked, (I didn’t know it was there before) we raced out. There was
kicking and banging. “Let me out!!” shrieked the girl. “Will she be able to breathe?” Dorothy asked. “LOOK!” Wendy shouted. The bronze door was hanging off the ceiling. “How do we get there?” I asked. But, Dorothy had already started climbing up the wardrobe, regardless of the banging. At first, she wobbled, but then she regained her balance. Then she reached her hands out for something invisible then jumped. I waited for the crash. There was none. Dorothy was using 2 long poles on the ceiling as monkey bars! I watched breathlessly. When she arrived at the door, she used her 2 feet to slam the door open, then without warning, she flew through the open door. Wendy climbed up, wobbled a bit, squeezed her eyes shut, then opened them and with a squeak jumped onto the poles. Minutes later, she vanished.

            I took a deep breath, then started to climb up the wardrobe. I used the popping out designs as ledges. As soon as I reached the top, I wobbled. I used the wall as support, then quickly made way to the poles. I reached out then leaped. I swung back and forth. When I looked down, my stomach dropped. Keep on going I thought. I went across the black poles, hands sweating and reached the closed door. I looked up, swung my feet forward and opened the door. Ahhhhhh! Screaming, I flew through the bright portal.

“Owww! That’s happened once too many times!” Wendy exclaimed. “You have no idea” I muttered. “Where are we now?” Dorothy asked. “I don’t know, but this has gone too far. I’ve dragged you guys into a horrible mess, and I need to get you guys back. I see how this is going. To get to the next story, we need to get to the bronze door. We’re traveling into the stories my mom gave me from the book drive. We’re in the last book, “The book of Fairy Tales ”. There are mini stories in here and it might take a while to get back home. I don’t know how I’ll get you guys home, but I promise I will. Alright?” I said, putting in the missing puzzle pieces in this one big puzzle. Dorothy and Wendy nodded. Dorothy was about to say something but she never got to. A little girl with brunette hair and brown eyes with a bright red cloak came walking by. We hid and waited for her to pass. Then I said, “This story is Little Red Riding Hood! There will be a wolf disguised as her grandmother at the cottage she is heading too, there is going to be a hunter that kills it when it tries to eat her, then it will be happily ever after!” They gave me weird looks. “Hey, my mom read that book to me when I was little, and I never forgot it, I hate books, alright? I even skipped my homework in second grade where they made me read “Little Red Riding Hood” and answer questions!” I said defensively. I looked back up. “Let’s go now!”
After a long time of staying in the shadows behind Little Red Riding Hood, she stopped. I watched as the wolf popped out and she told him where she was going. I wasn’t surprised the wolf talked, not too long ago, I had flew!  Don’t talk to strangers my mom had told me over and over again. She’d tell me the same moral over and over; I would become drowsy before she got to the next page. Dorothy and Wendy looked alarmed. “Is that big, scary dog talking?” Dorothy asked. I slapped my forehead. After Dorothy had entered, we stayed outside, searching for the bronze door. It was when I gave up, about to enter the cottage to find the door when we heard the scream. Without thinking, I busted into the house. I heard somebody, Wendy or Dorothy, I wasn’t sure, call my name. There was a lump in the wolf’s body, it had already ate Little Red Riding Hood.  The wolf roared. I could feel spit on my face. Where was the hunter to help me?  I aimed a perfect side kick to jaw (a very deadly karate move, very dangerous, but hey! I’m being attacked by a hungry wolf)(and thank you, black belt) and the wolf staggered back, howling. It turned back, and snarled angry. Blood dripped from the wolf’s snout. I could’ve thrown up.
That was when, Grandma slammed out of the closet. “HOW DARE YOU EAT MY GRANDAUGHTER!!!!” Her face was redder than a hot chili pepper. I watched, in shock, as she performed a karate move, a twirling kick, straight into a series of punches. Then, she wrapped her arms around the wolf’s chest and squeezed. Little Red Riding Hood came spurting out.
Chapter 9: Britt King… is not in another story?
She was dripping in wolf spit. “Oh my GOSH!  That was the grossest, like, thing ever!” I was surprised. I thought Little Red Riding Hood was… different.  She seemed… what was the word…. sassy! I thought she was  a little sweet six year old, guess she turned out to be a sassy ten year old. Her eyes darted around for a second before  stopping on a towel.  She wiped herself off. I had too many questions. But before I could ask any of them, Wendy and Dorothy rushed in. “All you alright Britt? We heard yells and crashes and bangs and I for sure thought you were certainly dead!” Dorothy burst out. “Yes, are you alright?” Wendy asked. “Yes, I am” I said. The two breathed sighs of reliefs and looked around at the mess. “What happened?” Wendy asked. “Long story!” I said. “I still don’t know where the hunter was though…..” The four looked confused. Of course they wouldn’t know, Dorothy and Wendy were from other stories, and as for Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood, well, the hunter never came, so they didn’t know him.
Changing the subject, I told Grandma, “Wow! You got some serious karate moves!” She blushed, and turned to Little Red Riding Hood. “I told you those karate lessons would pay off!” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t thank her, though. “Yeah, whatever” she said, still wiping off the slobbery spit off her. “I thought you were supposed to be nice, Little Red Riding Hood, you looked nice talking to the wolf!” I said, realizing I might have hurt her feelings, but I was too late. But she only said, “Ummmmm, not really, I was telling him to get out of the way and he wouldn’t listen, he kept on asking me where I was going, so I yelled in his face that he was annoying and told him, then I left!” she spat. “And my name is Red, not stupid, dorky Little Red Riding Hood!” Stunned about what she said, everyone was silent when… there was a growl. I flipped around. Instead of laying on the ground dead, the wolf was back. “Ha ha haaa!” he said. “Thought ya would get away THAT easy! Nope!” He wiped the rest of the blood on his jaw with his paw, and bent down in a striking position and leaped. We all backed away just in time. “Everyone, evacuate!” Grandma yelled. Wendy and Dorothy both got out first, but then, the wolf blocked the doorway. I rammed into him with my head (ouch!) and got out along with Red. Apparently, I only knocked him out temporarily.
As we searched for the bronze door, (“What the heck is the bronze door?” Red asked) the wolf regained conscience and leaped out of the cottage. With him trailing behind us only a few yards, I heard Wendy yell, “Go to the back of the house, the door is there!” As he started to gain on us, we reached the back of the house. Red ran towards the ajar door (I guess Wendy had already gone through), but stopped abruptly. “GO!” I yelled. The wolf was getting closer. “What if it’s dangerous, and how about my grandma?” she asked. “Would you rather be eaten by a wolf, again?” I asked back. Shaking her head, she jumped in, screaming. The wolf had reached me and just as he swiped his paw to grab me, it missed and I jumped in, greeted by the usual blinding light.

So guys, there it is. Remember, I worked on this last year, too, and only recently edited that excerpt, so there WILL be mistakes. Please understand why I'm not going to write stories anymore. I am a perfectionist, and I can't just write a small story without going BIG and editing and all that. I hope you like what I had, though. From now on, no more big stories. Just small activities and things...
Look at my last post about signing off,