Monday, October 26, 2015

It's Been A While...


So I know it's been a while since I posted.. I've just been caught up in school and homework, and I'm always busy on weekends. Today, I didn't have much homework, so I decided to post something here on O, Really? 

Like I said before, I've been all caught up in school. So in today's post, I am going to tell you about my teachers (I'm in middle school, so I have 7 periods, 5 teachers, one of which teaches me for two periods, and 1 coach). 


First period, I have science with Mrs. Farquhar. Mrs. Farquhar is very nice and funny. She's always cracking jokes in class. She also makes learning interesting. And not just because we get to do labs (yes, science labs). Mrs. Farquhar always gives up tips to help us learn things easier. *FUN FACT* One of my brother's hockey friends, who also works at my parents' store, his aunt is Mrs. Farquhar. MY science teacher. His name is Jacob Farquhar. As my dad said, "There's not many Farquhars in the world!" 

Second period, I have choir. I have choir with two teachers: Mrs. Chavez and Ms. Bohannon. They are both SUPER fun. We always have a fun time singing, laughing, and playing games in the choir room. My last concert, the fall concert, we sang 4 songs: "Shake the Papaya Down", "Hashivenu", "Duermete Mi Nino", and "Tue Tue". It was also a demonstration concert, so we demonstrated fun warm ups and games we played in class. *FUN FACT* We learned the 5 latin vowels, and we sing them for warm ups sometimes: ee, eh, ah, oh, and oo.

3rd period is... you probably already guessed it. PE! There are like 5 PE coaches. Mine is Coach Frazier. Now, I will say this. He's really loud. Well, all of the coaches are. But Coach Frazier is funny, too. I think all of the coaches are just naturally funny. Once, in PE, everyone, including the coaches, did the whip and the nae nae. And I've seen the coaches, too, hit the quan. Yep. They look ridiculous. I may get super tired on fitness days, but during PE, it's a time I can let loose, and just run around. I plan to try out for the 7th grade volleyball team next year. *FUN FACT* We have a PE schedule: Monday- Unit Day, Tuesday- Fitness Day, Wednesday- Unit Day, Thursday- Fitness Day, Friday- Fun Friday.

Before 4th period, everyone has something called Bobcat Academy, which they have with their homeroom teachers. It's a time to do homework, work on stuff from any of your classes, make something up (like a test you couldn't do), or even read. My homeroom and math teacher is Mrs. Mason. In the beginning of the year, during Bobcat, all we did was watch a bunch of powerpoints about behavior and citizenship and all that stuff. Now, we mostly chill out and relax during Bobcat. Math- Mrs. Mason is very kind, and easygoing. She almost never yells at us. I don't really like math, and I always thought it was hard, but with her, it's easy peasy lemon squeezy. Math is one of my favorite classes now. *FUN FACT* Our class was taking a math test once, and Mrs. Mason accidentally gave about 3 people at our table a normal math (we are in honors math) test. No wonder they zoomed through it so fast!

For 5th period, I have Social Studies. Now I will warn you. Social Studies has never been my favorite subject. It is one of my least favorites. History has just not ever been my thing. My teacher though, made me think different. Her name is Mrs. Evans. Yeah, she is kind of strict and yells at any misbehaving students, but as long as you're on her good side.. you're good. I am. Through all of that strictness, she is really funny, and VERY sarcastic. I laugh a lot in Social Studies now. *FUN FACT* There is this kind of "half autistic" kid in our class named Ben, and one time, he kept on picking his boogers in class. Mrs. Evans kept on telling him, "Gross! Stop!", but he wouldn't. Finally, she got upset and told him to leave and go wash his hands. He ran out of the room screaming crazily and everybody started cracking up.

Hehe. Now my 6th/7th period. My favorite class that I stay in for 2 periods (yassss!). ELA. Reading, language arts, english, whatever you want to call it. I not only like this class because of all the fun reading and writing we get to do, but I have a totally awesome teacher, Ms. Lytle (not little, LY-TLE). Ms. Lytle is like the brightest teacher ever. You can hear her all the way down the hallway. She's always glowing and smiling. Class is always extremely fun because we get to do fun things other classes don't get to do. My favorite part of LA is Reading Workshop, a time we get to sit down and read for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, we record everything on our Reading Trackers. Fun, fun, fun! *FUN FACT* This year, we have to memorize certain things, like our helping verbs and subject and object pronouns. They all have a fun song to it. Like to our helping verbs, we have an army-like tune to it. My friend told me we learn something to the tune of Yankee Doodle! Yankee Doodle came to town, riding on a pony......

You've learned about my totally, terrific, awesome teachers. Notice I didn't include lunch. I don't have a teacher for that. Or recess. Bobcat is kind of our recess.

 I'm going to have a weekly (if I can post that much) question. This week's is...
"Who's your favorite teacher you have now, or had?"

Finally, instead of you coming up with sign offs, I'll have a new one every time I post. I won't be lazy. ;)

Later my humble alligators,


  1. What a great year you are having! You are so lucky to have teachers who are funny, but I think you are funnier than all of them put together. I had 2 favorite teachers as a child. My 1st grade teacher had a funny name, Ms. Korn, and she was always happy and very kind to me. My 2nd favorite was my science teacher in 7th grade, whose name was Ms. Webster or Warren (?). She had an artificial leg, so walked stiffly. She was smart, firm, and kind and always had a twinkle in her eye as if she liked every single one of us and had some delicious secret she was about to share with us all. She made my transition from private school to public school that year much easier because I knew I could trust her. :)

    1. Wow! They both sound like amazing teachers! I wish I could've met them... ;)

  2. What a great year you are having! You are so lucky to have teachers who are funny, but I think you are funnier than all of them put together. I had 2 favorite teachers as a child. My 1st grade teacher had a funny name, Ms. Korn, and she was always happy and very kind to me. My 2nd favorite was my science teacher in 7th grade, whose name was Ms. Webster or Warren (?). She had an artificial leg, so walked stiffly. She was smart, firm, and kind and always had a twinkle in her eye as if she liked every single one of us and had some delicious secret she was about to share with us all. She made my transition from private school to public school that year much easier because I knew I could trust her. :)
