Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Special Excerpt From my Upcoming Fictional Story, "Story Surge"!

Excerpt from "Story Surge"

    Late that stormy, dark night, I shivered in bed. I tossed and turned over and over again. I couldn't fall asleep. Finally, I gave up trying to go to sleep, and grabbed a book from the pile of books my mom gave me beside my bed. This one was the Wizard of Oz. I could try to read it. I flipped on my lamp light and sat up, and, turning the first page, I noticed something odd. Somehow, inside the page, a light flickered. It had to be a trick of the light. Ignoring it, I turned the page to the first page of the story. Dorothy lived... I read, but stopped. The light from the first page had suddenly grown increasingly brighter, lighting up the page I was reading, too. Furrowing my brows, I turned back to the first page. Big mistake. Out of nowhere, a strong, violent breeze of wind blew my hair to the side. Had that come from the book? My stomach started to grow queasy at an alarmingly fast rate. What was going on? I tried to calm down, though. It made sense. It was a stormy night. The light had to be the lightning outside illuminating the pages. The wind, though... My window was shut firmly.
     I looked up at the fan. It was off. I looked back at the book. Then, out of the blue, the light stopped glowing.  Huh? I thought. The lightning hadn't stopped. Everything was silent for the next couple of minutes. Even the lightning outside seemed to tone down a bit. And then... I screamed. The light came back in full force blinding me, and illuminating the whole room. It was madness after that. The light changed from yellow to pink then to purple and to blue. The wind came back like a tornado, sweeping me off my bed. Nope. This couldn't be the lightning. It had to have come from the book. But, how? I couldn't think about questions, what with the craziness going on. I had to do something. I reached for the book. Maybe, if I could close it, it would all go away. That just made it worse. The blinding colors, the wind, all of it combined to create one mass of confusion. My mind became hazy, I became very dizzy, and I collapsed, with half my body on the bed. The last thing I remembered was being somehow tugged towards the book?
      Either way, I felt one last pull, like invisible hands were tugging my body, trying to pull it apart, before everything went BLACK.
       When I woke up, I don't know minutes, hours, days later, I had a major headache. Wow, I thought. What a wild dream that was! My eyes flashed open, and instead of being at home, snuggled deeply in bed, I was somewhere else. This DEFINITELY couldn't be home. This had to be somewhere quite far away from home. My heart pounded. Even with my pounding migraine, I could still think, unlike earlier, when I was caught in that odd, colorful, tornado? It was still hard to think, anyways, but the first thought that came to mind was, WHERE IN THE WORLD WAS I?

Blogger's Note 
Hey guys! I hope you liked this excerpt from "Story Surge". Soon, I will post an excerpt from my other story, "The Arctic Star III". Once I've written enough, I'll be able to. I will make sure to work hard on "Story Surge" so you guys can read the final story, along  with "The Arctic Star III". "Story Surge" will probably come out in possibly a month to a month and a week. I'll see. Keep on checking up on O,Really? for more updates. I won't only have just these stories. Comment down below what you think about this excerpt. Catch ya later!

Thursday, July 23, 2015



I know I have not posted in years, but that's because the summer ended, I had to go back to school, I forgot about the blog, my parents reminded me about it... but by that time, I forgot my log in information. So, I took a LONG break (sorry :()... I still wrote after that, just on lame old Microsoft (ha!), and I have a couple fiction stories that are on there way out... I'll just have to transfer them from Microsoft to here. Here's a head ups about what they are called: the first one is called Story Surge, and the other one is called The Arctic Star III. And trust me, they're both interesting, I promise. I pretty much worked on them during my summer before I went into 5th grade, and now that I am going into sixth grade, it'll be a 5th grade/6th grade written story... if you know what that means... :) Anyways, I'll be letting all my close friends and family know about my blog, so hopefully, I can get it up and running. I hope you understand about this "long break crisis" and I promise, I'll be getting new stories in as soon as possible... I'll be having fiction, nonfiction, articles, short stories and more on this blog, O, Really? 

                  Olivia :)