Thursday, August 8, 2013




Dear everybody,

I wanted to do to something for my family, since they are very special to me. Here are some acrostics that reflect their personalities.

     Olivia ;-)

J…  Joyful because she seems happy about everything
E… Encourages me to keep on trying my best at everything I do
S… Sixteen years old

S… Super smart because she studies hard and gets good grades
I … Independent because she does her homework by herself

C… Caring because she sometimes helps me with my homework
A… Advanced because she does very advanced piano

J… John is very funny
O… Obedient because he listens to our parents

H… Helpful because he does his chores and helps around the house
N… Never says “no” to movies

H... Hockey is his favorite sport
E… Enthusiastic about special days
N… Never does sloppy work, always does his best

R …Really good at math
Y… Yearning to go to Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto


T…  Tired because he does yard work in the yard sometimes

I    Impressive because he always gets me to gymnastics on time
M   Makes money for the family by going to work
O    Omnivore because he eats meat and veggies
T     Totally kind dad because he does fun things for me
H    Has a exercise room he works out in everyday
Y     Years of age: 47
TTalented chef, with good cooking skills
HHas long, pretty hair
UUses a shovel to pull weeds outside
YYears of age: 43

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Olivia. I can tell you put a lot of thought into these. and you were very kind not to mention any of our less desirable attributes... :)
