Saturday, October 19, 2013

Running for Class Representative


This year I tried out for student council representative. Student rep. is when you are the rep. for your class. You go to meetings and take notes on what the older kids say. You also help out with things like the Can Food Drive.

At first, I didn’t want to try out; I thought I wouldn’t  make it anyways and I was too embarrassed to talk in front of my class, but then my sister, Jessica, persuaded me to try out, and my mother wanted me to try out too. And so I did. My mom signed the form, and I was now running.

I then created my speech. At the beginning, I gave up and said I couldn’t do it, but eventually, I did. My mom and sister helped me and I practiced in front of them. All week I was nervous, and finally on Friday I had a huge butterfly in my stomach with little butterflies around it, I was so nervous.

Each person was called up to present their speech. All of them were pretty good. Then, it was my turn. As I walked up to present my speech, my stomach was rumbling with butterflies. I reached the front of the room. At first I was still nervous, but I finished the rest of my speech calmly. Here was my speech:

“Hi. My name is Olivia Lightfoot and I am running for class representative. This is my first time trying out so I hope you will vote for me. To be in student council, you must take good notes. I am a very good note taker and I love to write. I have written 3 stories in the past 3 years and I even have my own blog. Also for student council you need to volunteer to help out. For example, the Can Food Drive. I volunteer to watch my little cousins to help out my aunt.

“So I’m hoping you will vote for me. If you do I will do a very good job as your class representative.”

During specials, I was nervous. I really, really wanted to get in. Unfortunately, two yellow papers were sitting in two people’s mailbox, not mine. Then everyone figured out they were voted. I still said “Congratulations” to both of them. But I was still upset inside.

My mom said she was just proud of me. She said it didn’t matter if I had gotten in or not. So I guess it really just matters that I even tried. I know that I can still try out next year, this time for the whole school!


  1. "I had a huge butterfly in my stomach with little butterflies around it"... I love that. Great job O!

  2. Loved your blog O! I am so proud of you for trying out because that takes courage! Your speech was also very well organized and easy to follow. Go get them next year! :-)
