Saturday, August 29, 2015

Jessica's Acrostic


First, here's your acrostic... :) Hope you enjoy! (This is a quote acrostic) *I couldn't find a quote for that letter... so I replaced it with another quote.

J... *The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.~ Cali Rae Turner

E... lder sisters can never do younger ones justice!~ Charlotte M. Yonge

S... isters are special from young to old, God gave me a sister, more precious than gold.~ Author Unknown

S... ide by side, or miles apart, sisters will always be connected by the heart.~ Author Unknown

So there's your acrostic Jessica. I couldn't find one for J, it would be really hard to, so I replaced that one with another one I really liked. If you are wondering why I didn't do her full name, it was because she asked me to just do Jess, her nickname. Jessica's surprise is taking longer than I thought so I'm not sure when it will be ready. Hopefully soon. Now, I'm not going to do a sign off. In fact, I'm gonna give you guys homework (ha ha, not really, I know how much, if you're a kid like me, you hate homework :P). It's simple. I need a new sign off. Research a really good sign off for me. It could be funny, or serious, or simple. I'll take in 3 of the best ones, and then choose which one gets 1st, 2nd, 3rd place (I'll obviously use the 1st place one). You'll get mentioned if your sign off wins (for credit). Good luck, my fellow readers! :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


It's Time for School...

I just had my first day of middle school yesterday, and wow! It was an awesome experience. If anyone is interested in THAT story, comment down below. So, I know I promised some stuff yesterday, but here's the thing: I don't think I'm making promises anymore, because lately, I haven't been able to keep them. So here, from now on, because school is going to get busy (I have SEVEN teachers!!!), I will post on weekends. Whether it's something small, like an acrostic, or something big, like a story, I will try to post something. Now I will start having homework on the weekends, so I will try to post one or two things per day. I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do. Please don't think my blog is lame :(. Anyways, Jessica. I owe you an apology. I have been procrastinating your surprise thing on my blog. If I don't have much homework this weekend, it will come sometime on Saturday. Most likely... So here's the FINAL FINAL schedule because school and this blog and SO many other things have been stressing me out lately, and I haven't had time to work on here or on my story much. I'll try to hurry up and get all of my things done before the weekend. Here's my new sign out:
Bye for now! :)
Your O Really? blogger, Olivia
Tell me which sign out you like better, new or old? Or even one you have thought of...

Thursday, August 20, 2015

We're back from vacation...

We're back!

So, we are back from vacation and let me just say, it was SUPER fun. You'll probably want to know ALL about it, so on Monday (also my first day of school), I'll post Jessica's acrostic and surprise along with a couple of paragraphs about our trip. I have a gigantic apology to make. I know my dad and Mama Liz were looking forward to the acrostics. But I've been very busy lately and school is starting soon. So I won't be doing any acrostics (except for Jessica's)... for now. I do realize I have been cancelling a lot, it's just, I'm balancing too much. I am going to post a little less. No change to the schedule, but maybe not small activities every day. Once again, GIGANTIC APOLOGY. I promise promise promise this is the final change. Thank you for remaining calm.
Catch ya later,

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Vacation Alert!!

We're Going on Vacation...

Disney World!
Universal Studios!


If you didn't already know, our family is going to Disney World and Universal Studios (whoop whoop!). In fact, we're going tomorrow... I'm so excited :)! The only thing I'm not excited about is getting up early in the morning to go to the airport :(. 
The next BIG NEWS that I have is that I am changing my schedule again. Well, I guess that's not BIG news. I think the schedule will be like this: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday I am going to post small activities like acrostics. I won't post anything on weekends, Tuesday, and Friday. On Mondays and Thursdays I am going to work on "Story Surge" (I'll either make a new chapter, or edit for a long time). On certain days though (like this week since we're going on vacation), when I'm going on vacation, or am really busy, or even have author's block, I'm not going to post anything. 

Blogger's Note
A couple more things. 
  1. The acrostics... I'm sorry I haven't posted anymore since Ashley's. I admit, this time, I was slacking off. So, to make up for it... we come back next Wednesday, so the next day, I'll post TWO acrostics (my dad's and Mama Liz's)!
  2. Jessica- Your acrostic should be pretty easy. I don't post on Friday, Saturday, Sunday... So the Monday after we come back I'll post your acrostic and that SPECIAL SURPRISE (it's for your birthday, it will be a late birthday present, maybe?). The whole post will be dedicated to you. :)
Woah! It's late! Okay, definitely got to go now! 
Catch ya later,

Friday, August 7, 2015

The First Acrostic...

My First Acrostic

My first acrostic is for my friend from school and volleyball, Ashley. She wanted a quote acrostic, an acrostic I made up where each letter is a quote. For this acrostic, each quote will be about friendship. I hope you like it, Ashley! :)

"A... true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he/she knows that you are slightly cracked. ~ Bernard Meltzer
"S... ome people go to priests, others to poetry, I to my friends. " ~ Virginia Woolf
"H... ere's to the nights that turned into mornings with the friends that turned into family." ~ Unknown
"L... aughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one." ~ Oscar Wilde
"E... ach friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”~  Anais Nin 
"Y... ou can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”~ A.A. Milne (quote from Winnie the Pooh)

There you go, Ashley! Your quote acrostic is finished. I just want you to know, you're an amazing friend, and a AWESOME volleyball player! I can't wait to be in 6th grade with you next year, and play with you on our volleyball team, too. Your exciting, bubbly attitude always keeps me on cloud nine! Thank you, Ashley for being an amazing friend... :)

Friendship Forever <3

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Another Reminder!!!

(This is the first pic I've ever posted!)

I have another reminder. My next small project is the name acrostics. If anyone would like their name as one, please comment below or inform me by emailing/texting me. Remember: you can have any type of an acrostic you'd like (adjective, quotes, your own...) If you make one of your own, make sure to tell me how to create it. That's all for now!
Catch ya later,

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

No More The Arctic Star III!!

Blogger's Note

Okay,  I'm really sorry I haven't posted something on O, Really? in a while... Here's the truth.. I haven't been really working on my story, "Story Surge". There are two reasons. One, this past week, our family has been like IMMACULATELY cleaning the house, like a deep, deep clean. It's something we do about every 6 months.  I mean dusting-off-the-lights-up-high-to-get-the-dust-off type of cleaning. So I've been busy with that, and also, two, I just got my stories transferred from the kitchen computer to my laptop. The reason for that is because my stories were on Microsoft (where I still wrote during my "big break") and my laptop only has Google Docs... so I was able to transfer them so I'd be able to publish them here on O,Really? I also have some big news... as of right now, I don't think I am going to continue writing my other story, The Arctic Star III (I'm really sorry, Mama Liz..). I think writing, editing, and then publishing one whole story is enough right now. Perhaps after I'm done with "Story Surge", I'll work on it. So, I hope you didn't get your hopes up about that one, because for right now, I'm going  to stick with "Story Surge". I promise, though.. I will work even harder on "Story Surge" than before. Again, I'd like to say sorry to Mama Liz because I know she was looking forward to it, so I really hope you like "Story Surge", instead, Mama Liz :). Along with "Story Surge", I'm trying to come up with other small little projects I can post, and I think I've thought of one... Comment down below if you want your name to be turned into an acrostic. It can be any type of an acrostic (a one with quotes, adjectives, even a type of acrostic you make up!) Remember to keep on checking up on O,Really? for more updates. I'm thinking I'll have 1 or 2 small projects posted here at least once or twice a week and a full story once every 1,2, or 3 months. And Jessica, for the article about you... I will post an article about you on a very special day... one of which I am not telling you! ;) Alright, bye!!
Catch ya later,