Tuesday, August 4, 2015

No More The Arctic Star III!!

Blogger's Note

Okay,  I'm really sorry I haven't posted something on O, Really? in a while... Here's the truth.. I haven't been really working on my story, "Story Surge". There are two reasons. One, this past week, our family has been like IMMACULATELY cleaning the house, like a deep, deep clean. It's something we do about every 6 months.  I mean dusting-off-the-lights-up-high-to-get-the-dust-off type of cleaning. So I've been busy with that, and also, two, I just got my stories transferred from the kitchen computer to my laptop. The reason for that is because my stories were on Microsoft (where I still wrote during my "big break") and my laptop only has Google Docs... so I was able to transfer them so I'd be able to publish them here on O,Really? I also have some big news... as of right now, I don't think I am going to continue writing my other story, The Arctic Star III (I'm really sorry, Mama Liz..). I think writing, editing, and then publishing one whole story is enough right now. Perhaps after I'm done with "Story Surge", I'll work on it. So, I hope you didn't get your hopes up about that one, because for right now, I'm going  to stick with "Story Surge". I promise, though.. I will work even harder on "Story Surge" than before. Again, I'd like to say sorry to Mama Liz because I know she was looking forward to it, so I really hope you like "Story Surge", instead, Mama Liz :). Along with "Story Surge", I'm trying to come up with other small little projects I can post, and I think I've thought of one... Comment down below if you want your name to be turned into an acrostic. It can be any type of an acrostic (a one with quotes, adjectives, even a type of acrostic you make up!) Remember to keep on checking up on O,Really? for more updates. I'm thinking I'll have 1 or 2 small projects posted here at least once or twice a week and a full story once every 1,2, or 3 months. And Jessica, for the article about you... I will post an article about you on a very special day... one of which I am not telling you! ;) Alright, bye!!
Catch ya later,


  1. Yes, last week was quite a cleaning week...

  2. Ohhhh! Yes, you are right - I am disappointed I will not get to read Arctic Star III. It is such a fascinating title - it captures the imagination. But, you are very smart to focus on one story at a time so that you can finish something. Sooo . . . I will be very happy to read Story Surge as it comes along :) So glad you were able to get your files transferred over.

    1. Thanks for understanding! I never said I WON'T be making The Arctic Star III... Just not right now. Now that I think about it, I think I will be starting on that story after Story Surge. To make up for it, I am going to make an acrostic for your name. I just have a few questions.
      1.) First or last name?
      2.) If you want your first name, is Liz your full name or a nickname? If it is a nickname, tell me your full name...
      3.) What type of an acrostic do you want? Look up at the paragraph for examples. If you want your own, tell me what your creation is...
      Catch ya later!

  3. Acrostic sounds like fun, I would just like to be surprised at what you would create!! - Love Love your stories - Story Surge has already captured my attention and I'm looking forward to the next installment.
